Friday, April 15, 2011

New blog Site Ideas and Contest

Ok, so Google blogger kinda sucks!  I have been trying for days to upload photos to the blog.  Today was going to be a fun update on our garden, complete with a picture of our first blueberry and a curry plant...which makes the back yard smell like an indian restaurant.  But, alas, thanks to google's cloud picker being unavailable, yet again, I am stuck with no pictures.  This brings back something I've been thinking of recently, paying to host a website.

Or more along the lines of paying to have a site, like or another web hosting site to have my own webpage.  This is something I think I'm going to do.  I think I'm going to merge my blog with this new page.  But, here is the problem,  what domain name should I use?  I've been told to look at it as an investment, meaning something that could be used by someone else...with deep pockets who could eventually purchase the domain name (if only I could have gotten, I could have sold it for mucho dinero).  A future investment.  I pondered some ideas,,,, etc.  But, I have yet to decide on anything.

My plan is to have this done sometime by the end of the summer months, that way I can have a little more control and understanding of the medium in which I spew my thoughts.  This is where the fun challenge comes in.  I am running a contest for the best domain name.  I'll leave the running open until May 31st.  Best domain name, as voted on by Eliz and me, wins a prize!  This prize could be either a $30 gift certificate to your favorite restaurant, with or without me in attendance, or I'll make you a re-purposed bird feeder or flower pot.  Either way, this is a good deal.

The way to enter is easy.  Come up with the best domain name you can, and put it in the comments section.  You can enter as many ideas that you have and if you win, I'll contact you and find out which prize you want.  Just think, in as little as four months, you could be the proud idea behind my new royalties will apply.  Happy Thinking!


Anna said...

david's diversions

Tony and Sarah said...

Tony and Sarah said...