Friday, October 01, 2010

The Ghost Buck's Lament

A slight rustle of the brittle, fall leaves that carpet the earth, the bite of cool as the wind noisily whips through the trees around bushes and through fields, each breath materializing in a rhythmic fashion of natural peace. Rise and fall, rise and fall, a scent attaches itself to the newest gust off the pond.  A sudden realization of not being alone, but friend or foe is unknown.  The next movement is of utmost importance.  Flight? A quick run to freedom and safety with nothing but a white flash to signal the escape.  Fight?  head bowed, eyes peeled and ready to embrace the future in an animalistic urge to defend the ground gained.  Decision time.   

Will the rancher win the war...or will the Ghost Buck prevail?  What about the ponds, the ducks, the dogs, the fires.  What about the grandchildren, the brothers, the sisters, the mothers. What part do they play in the saga of the Ghost Buck Ranch? The Mule, the great white truck, what about that Straw Cowboy Hat that rest comfortably on the table by the door.  The hat that longs to fulfill it's purpose of both sun protection and style.  A functional statement that describes who you are and why you are here.  How about the peace of the sunset and the anticipation of the sunrise.  We may never know.

A request, neigh, a plea, where has the The Ghost Buck Ranch Journal disappeared to?  Am I the only one who laments in it's absence?  I daresay "No." But what shall be done; what shall be done?


Anonymous said...

O wise sage who speaks the unspeakable. would that thou couldst awaken the slumbering scribe who has followed the path of worldly duty and gone off the long road to earning a living. Perchance he may take leave and imaprt his deepest desires and so refresh all those who long to return to the Ghost Buck.

Dan Ham said...

Well Pardners, Got news fer ya, I feel humbled, imitmidated and out gunned by yalls literary superiority, But alas, I am now back at the Ghost Buck Ranch dealing with poachers, criminals and new neighbors so I guess I'll get er back up and running soon. I do leave again for the Big Apple later in the week however so it might be middle of the month till I get back in the full swing of things.
David, you missed your calling, although I'm sure its not too late.