Friday, October 22, 2010

Oops I pulled a Mike!

From what I have been told, and the little bit I have seen, my Uncle Mike has a propensity to take things apart.  Getting them back together again is a different story.  He usually succeeds in this track record is not as stellar.  But this never keeps me from trying.

Elizabeth and I have recently come in the possession of a tandem bike.  I 1970s Schwinn, Red Tandem Bike.  It is a pretty amazing little mode of transportation.  But, it has been sitting in someone's house for a long time, so it is full up on gunk, dirt, and what I can only hope is not cat feces.  So it needs a little work.  What am I to do? 

I took it completely apart.  Over  couple of days I broke it down into as many pieces as I could.  My plan is to fix it up, piece by piece.  That way eventually Eliz and I can be known as that cute couple riding around on the shiny red Schwinn.  Ultimately we plan on throwing a Seersucker Social (idea total ripped off of a D.C. group) here in town.  Tell me how cute would we be in seersucker and on a tandem. 

The problem comes in the pieces.  I hope I have the ability to put it back together again.  Uncle Mike almost always could, so if I mess it up, he's the one I'm calling to fix it up.  Shh, don't tell him, I want to keep it a surprise. 

This bad boy bike has front and rear chrome fenders a sweet chain guard, and original two-toned fake leather seats.  It weighs about 45 pounds and is a beast, but will be fun to put together. 

Also, for an idea of the Seersucker Social we are going to attempt to recreate, check out this video.

The Seersucker Social from ReadysetDC on Vimeo.

1 comment:

mjhambayou said...

With your great sense of adaptation and working with things at hand I am sure you'll persevere.

Uncle Michael.